A downloadable game

The Penultimate Ninja


"Tsunami Tōsō"

a 4K craptastic C64 game by

Stein Pedersen (design, code, music)

Joachim Barrum (graphics)

Steven Dalton (ideas, R&D)

Special thanks to Yue and Hans-Petter Harveg!


This game was developed over a few days for https://reset64-magazine.itch.io/2024-craptastic-compoo

I already had most of the animations for the ninja character, but Joachim stepped up to create the ones I needed in no time. <3

I thought the original title "Tsunami Escape" sounded a bit dull, so I got help from Yue and Hans-Petter Harveg to decide on a proper japanese one.

Story Background:

You are the penultimate ninja. As a terrible tsunami wreaks havoc on your village, it is up to you to escape the raging wave. Push the stroller holding your only son up the hill to ensure the survival of your line.


(Joystick in Port 2)

Left : Move down the hill.

Right: Move up the hill and grab hold of the stroller.

Fire (when holding stroller): Let go of stroller.

Fire (when NOT holding the stroller): A quick tap will make you jump. You must jump to get past the stroller.

Hold Fire : punch, hold for longer: power punch

Pro Tip: When holding the stroller, do a quick double-tap on the button to be able to smoothly jump over! 


Stein Pedersen

Oslo 31-aug-2024

Updated 16 days ago
Published 18 days ago


tsunami_toso_4k.prg - Original Version 3.9 kB
tsunami_toso_4k_v1_1.prg - Bugfixed Version 3.9 kB

Install instructions

This game runs on an unmodified Commodore 64 computer and in emulators. It has been developed for a PAL machine, but there shouldn't be any issues with running it on an NTSC machine or others, other than that it will run faster.

I use the VICE emulator myself, both for development and playing games: https://sourceforge.net/projects/vice-emu/ 

Please download the v1.1 bugfixed version. It contains bugfixes for hiscore calculation and the 5th rock turning permanently yellow.

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